Faculty Profile

رضا اسودی


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/07/05

رضا اسودی

مهندسی برق - الکترونیک و مخابرات / مخابرات

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Bit-Flipping Helper-Assisted Lossy Communications: Performance Analyses Over Fading Multiple Access Channels"
    Wensheng Lin, Amin Zribi, Reza Asvadi, Elsa Dupraz, Lixin Li, Tad Matsumoto
    IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 24, pp.23045-23061, 2024
  2. "Two-Stage Successive Wyner-Ziv Lossy Forward Relaying for Lossy Communications: Rate-Distortion and Outage Probability Analyses"
    Tad Matsumoto, Amin Zribi, Reza Asvadi, Elsa Dupraz, Wensheng Lin
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 73, pp.11394-11410, 2024
  3. "Enhancing CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition by Edge Detection Techniques"
    Hossein Shahverdi, Mohammad Nabati, Parisa Fard moshiri, Reza Asvadi, Seyed Ali Ghorashi
    Information, Vol. 14, pp.404-419, 2023
  4. "Constrained Secrecy Capacity of Finite-Input Intersymbol Interference Wiretap Channels"
    Aria Nouri, Reza Asvadi, Jun Chen, Pascal O. Vontobel
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 71, pp.3301-3316, 2023
  5. "CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Multi-Input Multi-Output Autoencoder and Fine-Tuning"
    Mahnaz Chahvoshi, Mohammad Nabati, Reza Asvadi, Seyed Ali Ghorashi
    SENSORS, Vol. 23, 2023
  6. "Optimal Sampling in Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements by Utilizing the Information Content of Spherical Wave Harmonics"
    HamidReza Behjoo, Abbas Pirhadi, Reza Asvadi
  7. "A Device-to-Device direct discovery algorithm to mitigate the collision caused by hidden users"
    Kamal Ziadi, Reza Asvadi
    Physical Communication, Vol. 52, 2022
  8. "Power Allocation for D2D Communications UsingMax-Min Message-Passing Algorithm"
    Salma Kazemi Rashed, Reza Asvadi, Siavash Rajabi, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Maria Martini
  9. "Successive Wyner-Ziv Coding for the Binary CEO Problem Under Logarithmic Loss"
    Mahdi Nangir, Reza Asvadi, Jun Chen, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Tad Matsumoto
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 67, pp.7512-7525, 2019
  10. "Efficient spherical near-field antenna measurement using CS method with sparsity estimation"
    HamidReza Behjoo, Abbas Pirhadi, Reza Asvadi
    IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 13, pp.1897-1903, 2019
  11. "Analysis and Code Design for the Binary CEO Problem Under Logarithmic Loss"
    Mahdi Nangir, Reza Asvadi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Jun Chen
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 66, pp.6003-6014, 2018
  12. "LDPC Codes over Gaussian Multiple Access WireTap Channel"
    Sahar Shahbaz, Bahareh Akhbari, Reza Asvadi
    IET Communications, Vol. 12, pp.962-969, 2018
  13. "Design and Analysis of LDPC Codes for Joint Source Channel Decoding of Two Correlated Sensors"
    Mohamad Khas, Hamid Saeedi, Reza Asvadi
    IET Communications, Vol. 12, pp.1003-1010, 2018
  14. "Binary Wyner-Ziv Code Design Based on Compound LDGM-LDPC Structures"
    Mahdi Nangir, Mahmoud Ahmadian, Reza Asvadi
    IET Communications, Vol. 12, pp.375-383, 2018
  15. "An Efficient Algorithm to Improve the Success Threshold of Node-Based Verification-Based Algorithms in Compressed Sensing"
    Sara Khosravi, Reza Asvadi, Mahmoud Ahmadian Attari
    IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 20, pp.1487-1490, 2016
  16. "A Rate-Compatible Puncturing Scheme for Finite-Length LDPC Codes"
    Reza Asvadi, Amir H. Banihashemi
    IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 17, pp.147-150, 2013
  17. "Design of Finite-Length Irregular Protograph Codes with Low Error Floors over the Binary-Input AWGN Channel Using Cyclic Liftings"
    Reza Asvadi, Amir H. Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian Attari
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 60, pp.902-907, 2012
  18. "LLR Approximation for Wireless Channels Based on Taylor Series and its Application to BICM With LDPC Codes"
    Reza Asvadi, Amir H. Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian Attari, Hamid Saeedi
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 60, pp.1226-1236, 2012
  19. "A PEG Construction of Finite-Length LDPC Codes with Low Error Floor"
    Sina Khazraie, Reza Asvadi, Amir H. Banihashemi
    IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Vol. 16, pp.1288-1291, 2012
  20. "Lowering the Error Floor of LDPC Codes Using Cyclic Liftings"
    Reza Asvadi, Amir H Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian Attari
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Vol. 57, pp.2213-2224, 2011

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "Matched Information Rate Codes for Binary-Input Intersymbol Interference Wiretap Channels"
    Aria Nouri, Reza Asvadi
    2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp.1163-1168, 2022
  2. "Application and Analysis of Expectation Propagation Algorithm in the Binary Erasure Quantization"
    Golshan Piroozzadeh, Reza Asvadi
    The 9th Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, pp.1-6, 2021
  3. "Binary CEO Problem under log-loss with applications in new emerging wireless communication networks"
    Reza Asvadi
    JAIST Information Science Seminar, 2020
  4. "Successive Wyner-Ziv Coding for the Binary CEO Problem under Log-Loss"
    Mahdi Nangir, Reza Asvadi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Jun Chen
    29th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC 2018), pp.1-5, 2018
  5. "Binary CEO Problem under Log-Loss with BSC Test-Channel Model"
    Mahdi Nangir, Reza Asvadi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Jun Chen
    29th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC 2018), pp.6-11, 2018
  6. "LDPC Code Design for Correlated Sources using EXIT Charts"
    Mohamad Khas, Hamid Saeedi, Reza Asvadi
    2017 IEEE International Symposium on Inforrmation Theory (ISIT), pp.2945-2945, 2017
  7. "تئوری اطلاعات و کدینگ پیشرفته در تکنولوژی های روز شبکه های مخابراتی و اینترنتی"
    رضا اسودی
    چهارمین سمینار تخصصی نظریه اطلاعات و کاربردهای آن، 1399
  8. "طراحی کدهای دی ال تی ترکیبی برای شبکه های رله چند پرشی با استفاده از تجزیه چندجمله ای تصادفی"
    آمنه شکراله محسنی، رضا اسودی، سیدعلی قرشی
    بیست و هشتمین کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایران، صفحات:394-401، 1399